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IUWIS (DFG) (since 05.2009)
Infrastruktur Urheberrecht für Wissenschaft und Bildung has the goal to develop a comprehensive infrastructure for discussion of information on copyright in the field of research and education.

EERQI (EU, FP7) (since 04.2008)
European Educational Research Quality Indicators has the goals to reinforce and enhance the worldwide visibility and competitiveness of European educational research.

Open-Access Netzwerk (DFG) (since 10.2007)
Open-Access Network networks certified repositories in Germany. Networking will not only be pushed forward organisationally, but also technically and infrastructurally.

SEOS (EU, FP6) (since 08.2007)
SEOS (Science Education through Earth Observation for High Schools) will realise internet-based eLearning tutorials on selected topics in earth observation.

DOARC (DFG) (07.2007 - 09.2007)
DOARC-demonstrator projects builds a Demonstrator for the "Distributed Open Access Reference Citation Services".

Cashmere-int (BMBF) (01.2005 - 12.2005)
Cashmere-int is aimed at an active participation in standards development in the context of the Semantic Web and Longterm Preservation and the proficient transmission into the academic field. This is to promote faster and in-depth implementation of standards in new services. A persistent service is available form Standards-Forum.

Urheberrechtsündnis (since 07.2004)
Aktionsbüdnis Urheberrecht fü Bildung und Wissenschaft: Development and operation of an online representation of the initiative of subscribers of the Götingen Declaration for a fair copy right law.

CCSD (CNRS, France) (09.2004 - 11.2004)
Consulting of CCSD in developing organisational and technical cooperation interfaces in several projects (HAL, ETOL, ...) and establish the cooperation with projects partners in Germany.

Two Surveys for the NESTOR: Network of Expertise in Digital Preservation (BMBF) (01.2004 - 06.2004)
Preservation Policies for Long-Term-Archiving
Archiving and availablity of preserved raw data and research data

ViFaPhys The Physics Virtual Library (TIB-Hannover, DFG) (10.2002 - 12.2003)
Development of the Web-Server and Database-Structure, Programming and Layout.
The aim of the Physics Virtual Library ViFaPhys is to provide a central access point to information and services relevant to physics.
The Subject Guide is a clearly organised, up-to-date compilation of selected and quality-controlled information sources.
Short descriptions characterise contents and services of each resource. Included resources are accessible mainly via the Internet.

SINN-Project (DFN) (10.2001 - 10.2003)
The aim of the project is to enhance the distributed information system PhysNet to a fast and secure service by setting up a network of independent but cooperating Harvest-brokers and Harvest-gatherers and building a network of PhysNet-mirrors.
While this project, close collaboration with the XML Query (XQuery) Working Group of W3C.

GSI DoRe Document Retrieval System (GSI) (07.2002 - 04.2003)
DoRe is a project to increase the visibility of the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) research in the Internet.
This is achieved by a set of document-gatherers which collect the relevant documents from the about 60 GSI web servers, and a set of document-brokers, which post these documents to the public answering queries from users.

Development of a Metadata Model for the Max-Planck Society eDocument-Server (MPG) (06.2002 - 07.2002)
Development of a metadata model for a multi-disciplin and multi-lingual e-document server of all Max-Planck Institutes. Development of a workflow depending on the object genre and documentation within a DTD.

CARMEN-Project (BMBF) (1999 - 02.2002)
Content Analysis, Retrieval and MetaData: Effective Networking
The focus of CARMEN is on content analysis. It will develop new tools in the subject with strong connection to retrieval.
Efforts to give homogeneity and consistency to decentralized information environments try to create information systems for distributed data repositories. Quite often the approach is by technical means to physically gain access to differently structured spaces of documents. This will not suffice: The main problem of different content type and conceptional design of the various data collections is not solved this way.
The project therefore will approach content analysis with developments and prototypical implementations in three fields: MetaData, Treatment of (remaining) heterogeneity, Retrieval for structured documents and heterogenous data types

EPRINT-Project of the German-Research-Network (DFN) (1996 - 1999)
Modelling a collection and broker service for preprints and other research documents; Investigation of optimal connection of information brokers.

PhysNet: Worldwide Network on Distributed Physics Information (since 1994)
PhysNet is a distributed information service. It uses the information which can be found on the web-servers of the worldwide distributed physics institutions and departments of universities seen as a distributed database.
The restriction to those professional institutions which are accepted by the learned societies ensure the quality and relevance of the offered information. PhysNet serves only professional specific information posted by the scientists themselves. Therefore PhysNet complements the services of commercial providers.

Further Activities

Chair of DCMI Tools Community (since 01.2005)
Member of DCMI Advisory Board (since 03.2005)

Invited Expert in VASCODA Working Group on Metadata (since 01.2004)

Activities within DINI Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V.
Working Group Electronic Publishing (since 2003)
Internationale Standardisierung in der digitalen Informationsbeschaffung (since 2003)

Activities within W3C World Wide Web Consortium
XML Query project (07.2002 - 12.2003 for DFN e.V.)

Activities for IuK, IuK-Physik and AKI
Member of Working Group on Metadata and Classification (1998 - 2003)
Liste der Fachinformationsbeauftragten (1996 - 2002)
Fachwelt-Physik Portal (since 2002)

Weblink Column "Klick ins Web" in "Physikalische Blätter" and Physik Journal (1996 - 2002)

Support for the Novell- and NT-Cluster of the Office of the Physics Department (04.1996 - 04.1997)

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